Digby Bates 1952-2010
Born in Ryde, Isle of Wight 16/10/52.
Educated at Beverley Grammar School and Newcastle University.
Joined Ivesons Solicitors as an articled clerk in 1977. Admitted to the roll January 1980.
Appointed a Deputy District Judge 2/2/96 and sat until December 2009, two months before his death from pancreatic cancer.
Described by Judge Dowse in his eulogy as “the best district judge we never had”, as all were surprised he did not get a full time appointment.
Given the honour of a full court eulogy with all judges in attendance on 2/3/11, the only solicitor to be honoured in this way in Hull.
President of Hull Incorporated Law Society for two years.
President of Beverley Old Boys Association.
A Mason who held Provincial Office.
Married Carol in September 1980 and had two children, Alexander and Holly.