Forrester Boyd Wealth Management Seminar Series: Nov 2024-July 2025

Hull Incorporated Law Society is pleased to announce the following seminar series, provided by Forrester Boyd Wealth Management:

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Pensions on Divorce
Thurs 14/11/2024, 12.00-13.00

Is £1 in a pension worth £1 in a ISA?, considerations when valuing a pension for divorce, overview of final salary & defined contribution pension schemes, the importance of cash flow modelling.  

Introduction to Financial Products
Thurs 16/01/202512.00-13.00

A high level seminar covering the different tax wrappers that are common place in the UK financial services industry, what each different wrapper does, pros & cons, taxation and planning opportunities (this would be especially useful for trainees/new solicitors, but a refresher for senior solicitors too).

General Taxation
Thurs 13/03/2025, 12.00-13.00

The different tax regimes, rates & allowances and useful planning tips.

Trust Taxation
Thurs 15/05/2025 12.00-13.00

An overview of trust taxation, some of the complexities and pitfalls when dealing with tax for trusts

Anti-Money Laundering & GDPR
Thurs 17/07/2025 12.00-13.00

What is expected when dealing with clients and what is required on files, as well as the rules around professional connections working together & sharing information from a GDP perspective.


Each seminar will last for approximately 1 hour with the opportunity for discussions afterwards.

Venue: Hull Incorporated Law Society, Bury’s Chambers, 29 Scale Lane, Hull HU1 1LF

Each seminar is free for members of Hull Incorporated Law Society, and £30 + VAT for non-members.

To reserve your place, please e-mail [email protected]